And space is curved because of gravity produced by bodies within it
So because of gravity it causes straight to be round; and the waves are round
Two black holes coalesced 1.3 billion years ago and the resultant smash made waves in the substance
The waves made the laser beams blink last week in sequence since the beams were far enough apart
We heard the swoosh and knew the waves were round
So once, we could see space-time as well as objects
Now we can measure and hear space-time as well as see it
Newton and Einstein not withstanding; what about Henry Vaughn?
Not the what it is, but the why it is
I saw eternity the other night
Like a great ring of pure and endless light
All calm as it was bright
And round beneath it, Time, in hours,days,years
Driven by the spheres,
Like a vast shadow moved, in which the world
And all her train were hurled.
___This ring the bridegroom did, for none provide,
But for his bride.