It's easier to conquer ego if there is more and more difficulty exercising it. If like me, one is old and getting older I suppose the last triumph from this disability is to pat your back for what you suppose is conquering it. I have been deprived of my driver's licence for good reason. Good reasons are always more to the point. I didn't ask for God to hide the Minotaur in the deepest part of my labyrinth but if I slay him I will feel good about buying myself a four wheel electric scooter and joining the geriatric crowd where I really belong. There is every reason to have a scooter given the independence it provides one; the access to all the great facilities in the town and the opportunity to visit one's neighbors and co-scootarians, but it's a good idea to kill the beast that stands, tail lashing in the maze, waiting to be found and to conquer rather than be conquered. What God-forsaken idiocy allows an 82 year old to whine about his driver's licence which is a license to kill. At least with the scooter, after the Minotaur is killed, there is more chance of being killed in traffic than killing. That's a comfort. There is no need to hide in the house or to beg or borrow a ride. It's always a blessing to be given the opportunity to be repeatedly amused at oneself.