On the other hand, what if everybody in the world, at the same day, at the same minute, opened their window, looked at the sky, took a big breath and yelled out their lungs saying, " I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore ." The view would darken and sounds of sorrow, tears, and grief would arise.
What if, is only wistful thinking. It may be that we took everything for granted. In a distant time and a distant place we were given a grant that allowed us to live in a place of light and color and clarity. We may have spoiled it by forgetting to say, thank you very much, thank you a lot, for the grant we were given, and fell into something like I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more.
I think we are watching too much television these days. The movie " Network " described television as "indifferent to suffering, insensitive to joy. All of life is reduced to the rubble of banality." Maybe that's a little strong, but the task of mankind is to recover the grant, or at least what is left for the wistful among us. Not, as it were, taking the grant for granted.