The story of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is , in my opinion, an exciting children's story with beautiful allusions of a psychoanalytic nature that has never been fully explored and never was apparent in the movie version.
Most deconstructions written about the story have been centered on the political rather than the psychological or mystical aspects of the characters within Mr. Baum's story. As in any story of fiction, it can be concluded that the characters always have some reflection of aspects of Frank Baum himself. However moving along to the nub of it all, Dorothy is the psychological integrated self and therefore the least interesting. The Wizard is a chameleon and therefore the disintegrated self ! The trio of Dorothy's co-adventurers are the most easily identified and have in fact the most interesting psychopathology from my standpoint
Even though the characters eventually recognized the Wizard was a humbug, they clung to the crutch he offered. Or was he a humbug? The analyst returns a bit of your own juices to you and calls it treatment.
He can't give you what you already have. He just puts a knob on your door to yourself. The successful analyst never seeks to alter the authenticity you own.
Did the Cowardly Lion only recognized his courage other than though a magical drink, a given placebo, a draft of courage. He didn't know that he always had courage. He found that out when he realized that the Wizard wasn't a whiz. But wasn't he?
Did the Scarecrow finally get his brains from a magical source? He didn't twig to the fact that he was always smart until the Wizard took off Scarecrow's head and added a mix of bran and pins and needles. When we realize that what we seek is already inside of us, latent and awaiting discovery ; then the bran new sharp brain becomes a useless reality a placebo !
Did the Tinman get a heart other than a silk valentine transplant from the Wizard using a can opener to his chest? Nonsense! The Tinman always had a heart but his heart was in the right place ; his head ! His attitude throughout the journey with his companions always told us that fact. He just didn't recognize it. He never knew that there is in everyone a place for the heart in the head.
None of this trio realized their gifts until they combined their brains, love and courage, to help Dorothy to get home. We will never know what went on in the author's head. Maybe it's a mistake to deconstruct a story. Still,there are two bookends to any story. The author and the intent, the reader and the understanding. What he said and what I heard. They may not be the same. It may not be important that they are the same.
In any medical practice the power of placebo and mind over matter is seen over and over again !