These osmotic transfers of water and information take place with low energy expenditure because they are with the gradient. When I worked as a surgeon over the years I did many things that worked well, and I knew what I knew, but often I didn't know how I knew it. With experience of years much of what we learn is intuitive and gained by osmosis. This knowledge seeps in through your semipermeable membrane that you exposed to the world. If your membrane is impervious that osmotic transfer does not occur.
Osmosis is not enough however. High energy expenditure is necessary since osmosis is passive and active learning is always against the gradient. My Aunt Mary always said, "Your little daughter is a bundle of energy." She was righter than she knew since thermodynamics and molecular science tell us we are all molecular energy bundles. And active learning is therefore an application of : Energy = Work+ Heat . Since the conversion of Energy to Work is never perfect the excess energy is lost or dissipated in heat. This is Entropy. Intelligent study will render energy conversion to work more perfect and will reduce Entropy. Alternatively if you are like me , a lousy wood chopper you will convert that energy to lousy work and get bloody hot in the process. Entropy'
We can't depend only on passive osmosis and permeability in either our intellectual or physical world. Active learning augments osmotic transfer by the addition of fostering gradients that require energy transformed into work that seeks to reduce energy loss. Entropy. It should be apparent by results that the pianist didn't get by at cooking with osmosis alone and applied energy in spades.