When at work your day is spent with the fingers in the bowel, gall bladder, or pharynx, pinching and fingering the ancillary sidekicks like the common bile duct, the ureters or the soft palate, all of which are conduits that are traveled daily, one becomes intimate with the fundamentals. If your fingers are in the aorta or portal vein, carotid artery or left ventricle, tubes which serve the fundamentals, one understands how the system works. The brain is the largest sex organ and the greatest forager, orchestrating the tubing.
You will know that if the fundamentals are suddenly not working, the brain crashes to emergency mode. concentration on other matters is impossible, and the tubing becomes the most important thing in the world. Great art, music, philosophy, love, compassion, indwelling spirit, science of particles, universe and earth: all these beauties are evolved from this bundle of tubes we call our human vessel, and though normally worshiped are set aside. It is easy to forget without our fundamentals we are nothing.
This is not well understood by a Paramoecium who has not been gifted with abstract thinking powers, but is also a hard fact to remember by even a smart Homo sapiens.
"You know", said my other interior self when he read what I have just written, "You are being a bit coarse, your fleshly strand is running on its own and your surgical gestalt is puffed up today. Is it that you need more attention from me? We are all a bit tired of how you favour the flesh over spirit and intellect in the cord of life"
" You must know without something to worship there is no life!"