It is one of the most exciting and readable books I have ever read as a history of that period of time and clearly has been written by a historian who relishes literacy, surprisingly racy opinion, and scholarly accuracy. If you love your country and want to taste its triumphs and its warts it will fill your appetite. Typically Canadian, it is evenhanded and has nothing Jingoistic about it.
The period it addresses is, of course, the amalgamation of the federation as we know it except Newfoundland. Other than that exception, it is the Canadian experience par excellence. I was so enthused after reading it that we ordered three new copies from Amazon for the fifty year old offspring, whichever of the three had never read it before. We need to look at the long view of our country to counteract the sometime dismal space we are constantly told we occupy today. If you appreciate Hardy's manuscript and know you belong, you can sing O Canada and really mean it.